The Road In Sydney That’s Home To Australia’s Elite

A stroll down Wolseley Road in Point Piper offers not much more than any other typical Sydney street. For the most part, walls, gates and garages line the street, revealing little. However, beyond the facade are the reclusive mansions and multimillion-dollar apartments of some of Australia’s most wealthy and powerful. Private, secure and unsuspecting, Wolseley Road — featuring Sydney Harbor Bridge and Sydney Opera House views — is considered Australia’s most expensive street. The large plots of land with direct waterfront access see a median house price of $23.7 million. In terms of owners in high finance or business technology, Wolseley Road is the end goal. The most expensive apartment in the area is a 2-floor luxury penthouse currently on the market for $28 million. According to realtors, don’t expect a block party or a neighborly chat over the fence on Wolseley Road — it’s not about community. People there keep to themselves. They have high walls, lots of cameras, and sometimes private security guards. So, in the neighborhood of Point Piper — and specifically Wolseley Road — the wealthy are getting wealthier, and that’s what’s driving the prices up.